Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hello!  Been a little busy lately getting those boys off to college and settling into some new routines, activities, patterns with Tim as a couple (again)!  Been fun and exciting and a bit sad all at the same time.

To stay busy, and with the help of my sister Jennifer, I've been working on prayer journals for the ladies in the Bible study group I belong to.  It was a ton of fun to play around with paints, stamps, rub-ons, inks, templates and die-cuts/paper scraps.  I will take the journals to our study tomorrow night so I wanted to capture some images of them before they disappear!

They were made using composition books purchased from Target when they were on super markdown during the back-to-school sales and then I added paints, inks, etc from supplies on hand.  Now I just need a reason to make some more!